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In August 2004 SBM ITB admitted 115 students to the undergraduate program. MBA ITB program will guide you in the journey of developing your integrative business thinking innovation leadership networking collaboration and teamwork skills for your future success. Hadiri Itb Entrepreneur Festival 2018 Diikuti Lebih Dari 30 Wirausahawan Itb Sbm Itb 13 14 Okt 2018 Di Aula Timur Itb Pmwitb8 Itbcareercenter Itbefest20 Rawhaus strives to build micro houses with prefab materials that are energy efficient from the production process to their use durable and earthquake. . Upacara peresmiannya sendiri dipimpin oleh Presiden RI Ir. Kampus Merdeka Technopreneurship Track SBM-ITB. The Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesian. Cheryl Marlitta Stefia MBA Sobat SBM must know that on SBM ITB we finished our study faster than another school or faculty both in accredited program and postgraduate program. Yunieta Anny Nainggolan PhD Director ...